When in Rome (and around rome)..

Italy, a country with a rich heritage and culture, is bound to leave anyone wanting to travel there again and again. Every street has its own charm and history

So, the first place I decided to visit was The Vatican City. No, I didn’t get to see the Pope, though I would have loved too!

View for the top of St Peter's Basilica

View from the top of St Peter’s Basilica.

The next stop was to see the very infamous Colosseum. The monument looks spectacular at night.

The Colosseum at night

The Colosseum at night

And then don’t forget to make a wish at the Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain

And then how can you forget about the great Italian food. As every restaurant offers the same variety, it can be hard to find the traditional, authentic tasting food. But, luckily I found a little shop in the suburbs offering the most delicious gelato I had ever tasted. With a huge variety of flavours ❤

Gelato Family :p

Gelato Family :p

The next day of the trip was to explore Tivoli, a not very heavily promoted city to visit when in Italy. But, that is the beauty of the place, there aren’t many tourists around, so you can explore the city in peace.
Things to see in Tivoli: Villa d’este – A UNESCO world heritage site & Villa Gregoriana – encompasses the the city’s ancient arcopolis.

One of many Villa d'este's beautiful fountains

One of many Villa d’este’s beautiful fountains

Falls of the Aniene - Villa Gregoriana

Falls of the Aniene – Villa Gregoriana

And the there is always time for some food & drinks

And then there is always time for some food & drinks

Even though I had a short trip, it was an exhilarating experience, especially because I couldn’t understand Italian & many locals I came across didn’t understand English. But, I survived & you shall too 🙂

(P.s – Beware of pickpocketers! )

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